AdSense is a heart killer for new bloggers

 AdSense is a heart killer for new bloggers that I have given a strange thing. When most people will consider me a fool. People wait six months to try and write a post day and night for AdSense approval. Many people get AdSense approved and some people left on the way. Some people understand the trick of getting AdSense approval. AdSense gets approved those experienced very quickly. They wait for such shortcuts for the approval of AdSense. The money has come into their account quickly.  Maybe they have installed a money-making machine. But some run away as fast as they came. They realize that it is not so easy. Why they are not comfortable with hard work. They do know the importance of content quality. These people are relying on copy and paste. That is why they fail.

This is because they do not feel the movement in the AdSense account. They do not have users or they do not have organic traffic. These people do not use social media. This is the time when they use shortcuts. Click on your own ads, do marketing through friends, or agree with each other that you click the ad of my blog, I will click the ad of your blog. Finally, a few days later, they receive a mail from the AdSense team that their account has been disabled or suspended for some time. The journey of the new bloggers is now limited or over.

Why I say AdSense is a Killer?

That is why it is said that when people immediately apply for AdSense, they are rejected for the first time. Because new bloggers apply for AdSense on Blogger on the first day or apply after five posts. Google rejects the request for ‘’no content’’. Blogger drops his patience after one or two repeated requests of disapproval mails. New bloggers should apply for AdSense after forty posts, they will not be rejected. Write the best content with hard work and will wait a year for his success. I suggest that if a blogger wants to be successful, he should keep posting for a year and his hard work will definitely succeed. If he checks the daily income of AdSense, his heart will be broken. The beginner has to need to understand the process that is slow and long term. Hopefully, new people will understand it soon.

Fans, I am a blogger for 4 years and earn the money from AdSense account. AdSense is the big and reliable platform of Google which pays the money. The rules of AdSense are very hard. If you earn from AdSense that you have to perform well.


What are the reasons for AdSense suspension?

Invalid click activity is one of the most reasons to suspend an AdSense account especially in 2021. My AdSense account has been suspending in 2021 for 30 days. Most bloggers make the mistake of telling their friends and relatives about their main website id. When their AdSense is approved.  CTR starts to grow because of invalid clicking, your AdSense account gets suspended. You also don't look at your ads again and again. New bloggers should not click on ads. AdSense account can be suspended.

What do new bloggers think?

The new blogger understands that when ‘’AdSense approved’’ the money in their account maximizes. This is patient work. To be successful, you have to work patiently for a year and write about 50 posts. In the meantime, Google finds out the blogger's quality. Google wants the person that pays to be the best. And anyone who comes to the blog must have a purpose. The visitors longer stay on your blog; this is an important part. Google has two platforms, one is Google AdSense and the other is Google AdWords. Google pays Blogger 60% of the money. Google receives from marketing agencies who pay  Google or AdWords, while Google owns 40%. This is a very transparent Google's policy. Which the blogger has to adhere.

Second, Google gives AdSense account, which is owned by Blogger, in which Google transfers money, amounting to $100 dollars, which is transferred to the owner bank account after the 20th of each month.

 It also takes  many days for a new blogger to earn the first dollar, and it can take months to complete the first $100 dollars. When Your $100 dollars will be completed. A blogger goes through all sorts of difficulties and understands its science.

 But new bloggers drop their patience scale after four or five months of hard work. They get tired and fail at blogging. The main reason for this is ‘’AdSense Approval’’.

According to my opinion, the new blogger should know the importance of blogging and AdSense. Don't apply for the AdSense account until you have reached the above number of 200 visitors daily. You must have genuine traffic.  Money will start coming automatically.

It is important to make money if thousands of visitors come to your blog, then surely no one can stop you from making thousands of dollars. If you do not have Visitors on your blog, you will not earn as much as you do. If you want to earn money very quickly, you can also get Google AdWords where you have to pay.

How to succeed in Blogging?

One to two years is a long time and you have to work with patience. One day you will succeed. This is because, over time, you learn a lot of new things, overcome mistakes and learn from mistakes. Mistakes always guide you. 90% of bloggers are earning after spending a year. In the meantime, you can also benefit from affiliate marketing. Nowadays affiliate marketing is the best source of income.

Don't approve of AdSense at the beginning of your carrier because you don't have visitors. You can go to AdSense when visitors start coming to your site. If your AdSense is approved but you don't get traffic. You, Will, dishearten very soon. The purpose of my post was to save you from failure. So that I can tell you that blogging is difficult but not impossible. If you read more articles about how to earn US Dollars via online working? Then click.