HOW WILL Joe Biden Make First 100 Days Memorable?

HOW WILL Joe Biden 

Make First 100 Days Memorable?

At last, after the United States election 2020, Joe Biden has taken oath as 46 presidents of America. Donald Trump was trying to make it controversial but the American people have decided in favor of Joe Biden in an extraordinarily difficult time in America. It is to be seen how will Joe Biden make the first 100 days memorable for the people of America. This is a time when 400000 people have died with coronavirus and 10 million people are facing unemployment. It is fact that Donald Trump had not serious in the beginning because he called the Chinese virus.

First Step

Surely, he gives the order to provide the vaccination on a priority basis of every America. He gives attention to generate the funds for the preventions of Covid-19. He also helps those families which lost the jobs during lock-down restrictions. He knows Americans are facing a very difficult time when the shadow of death awaits them because of the spreading of coronavirus. He promises the people in the election campaign, he will be responsible for both health and peace. He wants to distribute vaccination of 100 million people with discipline. He also thinks to give a polio vaccine drop with the collaboration of the health department.

Second Step

After taking the oath, he joined the Paris agreement about environmental change and doing work with the collaborations of WHO. In past, Donald Trump has denied working together. Donald Trump blamed the WHO that WHO does not inform on time about the seriousness of the pandemic disease. So Joe Biden's administration will depend on congress to help fund both pandemic disease and environmental change. It will be a big change after the Donald administration because collaboration can not be seen between the institution in the last four years.

Third Step

He fully focuses on the economy and he may prefer on a priority basis because of increasing unemployment. He will develop the industry and give full attention to promote such vehicles to run on electric power. Joe Biden's administration tries to save a lot of revenue in the case of oil and gas. He gives the attention to developing the relationship with all the world to promote their products and generate revenue for the country. The economy is the main issue in coming years because of China and Russia's collaboration. America knows that China is increasing the relationship with central Asia and Europe. It is a dangerous sign of American markets and economy. Generally, says, China will be a big economy of the world till 2030.

Fourth Step

Joe Biden's administration wants to promote relations with Muslim countries and he gave the first order to come to all the citizens of Muslim countries in America. It shows the serious attitude to develop the relations with the Muslim countries because Donald Trump has banned the arrival. He also prefers the black community because Donald Trump has criticized the American black community. Often white community suffering superiority complex and the black community fell some hesitation during the Donald trump. He will end the superiority compels and give the equal rights of all the Americans.

Fifth step

He immediately restores the educational activities in the country. He will regular all the institutional activities such as exams and lectures in their universities and colleges. He wants to come again towards daily routine.

All the above steps make popular and memorable of the Joe Biden administrations. It is a big success if American erase the pandemic disease. People are suffering unknown fear. Joe Biden has the ability to give confidence and free from coronavirus fear.