Today my subject is complete biography of Elon Musk. Elon musk is the richest man all over the world. Elon musk born on 28 June, 1971 in Pretoria South Africa. He was physically weak so that he did not played with other children. His thinking to overcome the people’s difficulty. Therefore, due to his thinking, he become famous by the name of geniuses entrepreneur. According to Forbes, he is the 2nd richest man of the world. What you know that Elon musk face how much difficulties to get this achievement. He was very hard working from his childhood he gets the friendship with books in very Small age.
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To know about the Elon
musk, we will study about the beginning life of Elon musk. The story starts
from 40 years ago, by the city of
south Africa Pretoria where Elon musk born. His father name was Errol Musk how was engineer and pilot.
His mother name Maye Musk who was
dietician and model. Therefore, he was very interested to read the books from
his childhood. He was very interested in computer.
In the age of 12 years, he learns the graphic designing
and make a game named, Blaster. That was the begging when he earns the 500 dollar. Elon musk sell this game to the Office and Technology Company.
He reads the books of Isaac Asimov.
Therefore, he likes the technology. Due to his intelligence, other students of
the of the school tease him much. Once a time, some bad boys of the school beat
him much until he become unconscious. Due to this, he spends many days in
hospital but he never gives up.
In the age of 17
years, he starts the graduation Queen University and after two year transferred
the university of Pennsylvania, He gets the degree of bachelor of science in 1992. He shifts California for PhD in 1995 but after two years he dropped
In 1995 Elon musk make a Zip 2 software
company with his brother. After some time, Compac
buy the Zip2 in 307 million dollars. After the sale of this company Elon
musk gets 22 million dollars by his 7% share. And then he makes a company by the
name of by the investment of
100 million dollars. After one year he combined Confinity company which is famous now by the name of PayPal. PayPal has the service of money
transfer. Now PayPal become a big brand. In 2002 eBay buy the PayPal in 1.5 billion dollars. In this deal he
gets 165 million dollars because he
was big share holder of that company.
Once again by the
investment of 100 million dollars he
starts the SpaceX company which is sporting now NASA. SpaceX reduce the cost to go rocket in space. In 2003 he starts the Tessla company. this company make electric cars. And he works
as a the Ceo of Tessla till 2005.
Tessla company is popularity all over
the world.
In 2006 Elon Musk provide the financial
sport to his cousin and based on the SolarCity.
And then, in 2013 SolarCity become famous in America by the
name of solar power system. SolarCity become 2nd biggest company. In 2016, Tessla take the control. In 2015 Elon Musk made artificial intelligence company whose name
is OpenAI.
In 2016 Elon musk become co founder of a Neuralink company. The company will fit
a chip with human body that work with human brain. Artificial intelligence process
informs a man timely before the loss. Believe like Elon Musk just born two or
four in century. He starts from Africa and settled in America. In the age of 10 year, learn the computer programming
and make a game which sale to the online company. He read a lot of books that a
graduate cannot read. Elon always says failure is the option. He makes solar
city which work on energy sustainable. After electric cars, he makes driver
less cars. He is interested in rocket science. Infect you can say he is a rocket
scientist. He never gets the education about a rocket science but he understands
the rocket science.