This is very difficult to diagnose how to check cement identity real or fake. It is a big issue in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. There is no institute to check the identity in villages even big cities. People make their houses with all life earnings. People surprise when they know, cement was fake or unpurified which they use.
What happens that darkness comes to their eyes to using the fake
cement. Cement begins to fall on earth from the walls. In the beginning, people
do not consider the reason for fallen cement strips. After some time, the
cement fallen process starts everywhere in the home. They late to determine who
is responsible. Often they blame the contractor but the reason is not.
Today I will tell you the causes what are the reasons for the worse condition of the home. If you check my tips about cement real or fake.
Surely, you can select good cement companies and brands. You can believe that
you have selected the best cement and companies.
What is the quality of the Cement?
Firstly, check the cement’s grade if you are making a home
in Pakistan. There are different grades of cement available in Pakistan.
Always try to use 53Grade cement when you selecting the cement, keep in mind,
whatever you have selected the company or brand. The grade should be 53. Different
grade cement available in the market as we see, 38, 42.5, 43, and 53-grade cement.
The PSI of the cement should be 10 thousand.
Check the quality how to old
Always check the physical hardness. The cement should be very
soft and powder shape. Often cement is old or over 15 to 60 days. The cement starts
to harden. Always chose the fresh cement.
How to check real or fake?
1. This is the main thing to check real or fake. Always buy
the cement from the company-recommended dealer. For this, it is important to
know the reputation of the shopkeeper.
2. You take little cement between the ladyfinger and thumb.
Rotate the cement between the thumb and finger. The cement will be very soft. If the
cement is not soft then cement is unpurified.
3. After this, you
buy the same brand of cement from different shops. Then compare the cement
color of the same brand. If the color is the same then cement identity is real. But
the color of the cement is not the same then cement can be fake or unpurified.
4. Besides, always check the weight of the cement bag. If the
weight is the same then cement quality is real. But the weight of the bag is different than
cement can be fake or unpurified. The cement bag weight is 50kg in Pakistan.
5. Always check the
empty cement bag, if the empty bag is new then cement is original. But, the
cement bag is old then cement can be fake.
This is my 10 years of experience with the cement business. According
to my observation that it was a good analysis which I show in front of you. if you want to decorate the home main gate with ramp tile that is a good idea.