Pakistan Is a Big Country In The World In Wheat Yield

Pakistan is a big country in the world in wheat yield

Pakistan land is very popular in the world in a wheat generation. Pakistan wheat is best in the world. Pakistan is an agricultural country but a shortage of wheat in Pakistan has started for several years. We were self-sufficient in wheat. But this time, from two years, weather is not good in wheat productions period. This the reason, Pakistan has to face a shortage of wheat.

Wheat is an essential part of every person. We eat wheat every year. We do not give the real price of our farmer. Our farmer is not happy to grow the wheat. At this time, he does not grow the 1% wheat of his land. He gets the yield of wheat from the land which can eat his family. He cannot think about the country. It is not mean that he is not sincere for the whole country. Our government did not give the proper attention to grow the wheat crop. Government is not ready to provide the facility in fertilizer. Electricity should free for the farmer who generates the wheat. The government should give the subsidy in rates of electricity, fertilizers, and seeds. Our ministry of agriculture should give attention to provide the certified seeds to the growing time of wheat. But it is nothing. The agriculture department should develop such hoarding centers that perform government custody. The government should start one window operations of bank loans. All the agricultural loans are free from profit. If our farmer is happy that we are free from all shortage of wheat.

When our government provides the facility in profit free loans, a low rate of electricity, certified seeds, and low price fertilizer that our farmer will easy to grow the wheat. When the yield is ready to come in the market then there is no person to buy the wheat from the farmer. So, the farmer is disheartened. So, next time, farmers cannot think to grow wheat.

Several times in Pakistan, farmers grow the wheat crop on a record-breaking basis when was the Yousaf Raza Gilani government. Yousaf Raza Gilani was the prime minister of Pakistan. he was himself a farmer. He knows the difficulty of the farmer. So, he announced the first day of his government rate of the wheat. the rate of wheat is 1000 rupees.  This time, the wheat rate is 1200 hundred after 12 years. The rate is increased in 2008.

This time, it is 2020. The wheat rate is 1200 in Pakistani rupees. It is a very low rate. This year wheat was very short in the country. Black marketing was a very big issue. This time wheat rate is 2800 per 40kg in black marketing. This time, unemployment is common in Pakistan due to coronavirus. People were very disturbing. They have money to purchase the flour. Mostly wheat of Pakistan sends to Afghanistan through smuggling. There is no option to stop smuggling. This shortage of wheat on a big scale. A common man thinks about how to buy wheat at high prices.

This time government decides to bring wheat from foreign countries. Wheat rates were high for foreign wheat. it was important to import the wheat so that provide the flour to people. We use this time high rated wheat.

If our government provide the facility of our farmers, then Pakistan is self-sufficient in wheat crop. Our farmer is very happy to acquire the original rate. So we lost a lot of money in the case of dollars. I hope our government learns for next time.