Imran Khan (PRIME MINISTER OF PAKISTAN) Is Responsible To Economy’s Stagnation And Inflation

 Imran Khan (Prime Minister Of Pakistan) Is Responsible To Economy's Stagnation And Inflation.

Pakistan is a poor country. Its people have limited resources. They have not so much money to defeat coronavirus. This time the nation is facing many hardships. Government plans are not good to support their people. But in spite of all crises, the government gave the Ehsas Kafalt Program. The government gave 12000 rupees to a huge population. It is good to step.  But the amount can support for a few days. Pakistan people are touching the sign of poverty. The government policies play an important to spread poverty because of worth policies.

The government banned the bricks kilns that provided unemployment for all the workers of the country. Most population of the country connects this industry. This is the wintertime when the sun is low and the sun does not rise due to fog. People cannot work on construction sites. It is very hard to source these days. But the government provided unemployment due to ill policies. The government should review its policies and provides  opportunities to the business. Mostly 70% of the population gets unemployed after banned the bricks making industries.

This time 70 industries have closed due to banned bricks making industry. All the industries even cement industry, stone industry, paver industry, iron industry; sanitary making equipment industry, pipe industry can shut down.

Dear Prime Minister (IMRAN KHAN) did you know that your policies are causing unemployment. Do you want the destruction of the country with your unhealthy policies?  All the connected products with construction countries get expensive because of one of your statements. The products get expensive.  people stop the construction. There will be unemployment when you banned the bricks kilns industry.

Dear Imran Khan, you do not know that you banned kilns in the first year of your government and made people unemployed. It was your wrong decision. To this day, the nation has not been able to rectify this decision. This is your most serious decision. The nation is still suffering the consequences of this wrong decision. Thus the economy sat badly.

Prime Minister Imran Khan is the cause of Pakistan economy’s stagnation and inflation because he has no experience team that can develops the economy and decline the inflation.

The people of Pakistan are disappointed with Imran khan. HIS 30 months performance is zero. He talked for battement. Its performance is only orally and this is orally statement of Imran khan. The economy is better. But it is nothing.

People cannot buy wheat, sugar, vegetable fruits, garments, and lentils. Their children do not go to school because of inflation. The management of the hospital is not good. Medicines rates are very high. Medicines are not free but very costly. Hoarding is a very common thing. The slogan to end corruption was just a slogan because bureaucracy does not work with taking illegal money. People are facing very difficulties.

Developing work is not in the country. Gas shortage is a common issue. The country farmer very disturbs by electric bills. They cannot buy the pesticides on the original. All the pesticides for agriculture in the country are fake.