How will be 2021?


How will be 2021?

It is a very interesting question that how will be 2021. It is difficult to determine the new year. The begging of 2020 was very bad. Coronavirus was targeting of million peoples all over the world. The origin of this virus is china. The world has faced different types of difficulties due to coronavirus. 2020 brought a big disaster in the case of coronavirus. The epidemic virus changes world history. The virus was a disaster to every people whether rich or poor. Several presidents of the developed countries have affected the virus. President Donald Trump from America, Justin Trudeau from Canada, Boris Johnson from England, Bolsonaro from brazil are very important. But the improvement condition is not good till December 2020. The second wave of the corona is continued. It is very dangerous at first.

How people suffer from the corona?

It was a very difficult time when people stop out of houses. People maintain a distance from their family 20 to 25 days. They compelled to remain in rooms alone. The facility of the doctor is not available. The testing kit of coronavirus is not available in the hospitals. Countries and cities were closed. You cannot make physical contact with your family. People could not travel together. Hotels, restaurants, marriage halls, function halls, and educational institutions were closed. School colleges and universities were closed till the coronavirus. Unemployment is a common issue during the epidemic virus. Industries were closed. Inflation was a big issue when a common thing which we used in houses. Domestic products were not available in the market. The sources of income were very short because shops and business industry were closed. Both rich and poor countries were very disturbing.

 We were not powerful during coronavirus. We had weak physically and mentally. Our nerves are not in control. Corona had controlled our minds that we would die from the corona. We cannot talk with each other. People were dying around us. There were very difficult days that we spend.

A hope 2021 will be good

Big news to come to all people all over the world that the coronavirus vaccine has come. The implementation vaccine is started and good results to come. The vaccine is made American research company(Pfizer). Pfizer is a very responsible company in researching developing medicine. Russia, Great Britain, and China have made the corona vaccine. The vaccine will provide medical staff and old people in the first phase. Every country tries to buy the vaccines firstly. The business opportunity will be restored. People will be spending time for business, houses markets offices confidently. Air traveling will again perform all over the world.

We should salute such people who participate in the war against coronavirus. We should thank all the members who connect preparing the vaccine and medical staff whether nurses, doctors, managements of the hospitals that they save us and work day and night. They sacrifice their lives to deal with a deadly virus.  We should learn and ready to fight the coronavirus over time.

The distribution of vaccines will equal between the rich and poor countries. Humanity is the same all over the world. Humanity should be alive. World countries should stop wars. Especially for Americans because they are a superpower to play the role to eradicate poverty in the world.

I congratulate through this article at the event of chrisms day on 25 December. Today is 18th December. I hope you will be safe and be happy in a happy new year. It was my wish that we will all celebrate new year night together.