Today I welcome you to my blog. Today I tell you the chicken soup recipe how to prepare
for all family. It is a delicious dish. You can use it in the winter season easily. It is a favorite dish of both Asian and European people. There are many vitamins to
maintain the health system. A good health soup is made from eggs, vegetables,
and chicken. All these things provide energy to our health. Chicken soup develops muscle protection and the immune system. Always use the soup twice a week.
Let’s start….
250-gram chicken with wings
2kg of water
1 capsicum
2 green chili
100-gram carrot
¼ teaspoon salt or to taste
3teaspoon cornflour
1 teaspoon mustard oil
Now we took a frying pan and put
it 2kg of water. The chicken will put in a frypan.
Now chicken is cooked in the light fire for 20 minutes. The water will dry
and ready for the soup. After this, Take the meat out of the frying pan and make its
fourth fiber. Now we will put all the chopped vegetables inside the soup. After
this, adding the vegetables, add a small amount of black pepper and salt to taste. Now, will add two teaspoon soyasos, two teaspoon vinegar, and three teaspoon cornflour.
mix well all the gradients. Green chili will add for an only taste for three
minutes. Now we will cook again till thickness. Now we will two eggs put in it. The flavor is good
to put the eggs. Eggs will cook well. If the eggs are raw, the taste will be
bad. At last, we will put mustard oil to the delicious taste.
Your vegetable chicken soup is
ready to serve and give to all the family members. Be enjoyed the winter season.
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